T. Glenn Ellington

Last Updated: 11/03/2023

In-Person Hearings

Pursuant to the New Mexico Supreme Court Order No. 21-8500-015 effective July 19, 2021, the following types of hearings will be conducted in person, absent a court order requiring remote proceedings:

1) Pretrial Detention, or Dangerousness Hearings 2) Preliminary Examinations or Preliminary Hearings, 3) Competency Evidentiary hearings, 4) Pleas (only for current case, no PV in-custody pleas), 5) Sentencing (only for current case, no PV in-custody pleas), 6) Bench Trials (lower court appeals and jury trials that turn into bench trials), 7) Probation Violation (evidentiary hearings only for out of custody and jail time sought – No Status – in custody do not come for status, evidentiary hearings, pleas or sentencing). Parties may request in person and such requests are subject to approval of the presiding judge and the chief judge.

Remote Access

Judge T. Glenn Ellington will be utilizing Google Meet for remote access to all other hearings, the information is as follows:

For Video Access: https://meet.google.com/kaq-neuk-zjs

For Telephone Access: 1-316-975-0121‬ PIN: ‪124 177 127‬#

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