Judge Kathleen McGarry Ellenwood

Last Updated: 04/18/2024

In-Person Hearings

Pursuant to the New Mexico Supreme Court Order No. 21-8500-015 effective July 19, 2021, the following types of hearings will be conducted in person, absent a court order requiring remote proceedings: 1) kinship guardianship; 2) order of protection; 3) cases with a PQ designation; 4) cases with a sequestered case designation; and, 5) termination of parental rights. 6) Civil bench trials.

Remote Access

All other hearings are conducted by Google Meet. The court prefers counsel and parties to participate by video at https://meet.google.com/wof-cofz-tuq.

If it is not possible to participate by video, you may participate by calling 1 563-503-5060 and entering PIN: 818 230 380#

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