General Information

Your summons is a court order to appear for jury duty. Jury Service is an on-call status, which the Court can call upon you to appear at any point during this 75 or 90 day term of service. Please keep an eye on your EMAIL, and PHONES for notifications from the Court on when you are to appear for selection; which will go out every Thursday or Friday of each week. You will only be required to appear to the court when notified to. For general information on Jury Service visit the Juror Portal at

  • EVERY SUMMONS must have a response to it in the form of a Qualification submission –ideally online to the Jury System (at:
  • You MUST be a RESIDENT of the County for which you are summoned in order to serve; if you DO NOT LIVE in the County for which you were summoned, please request Excusal immediately. Thank you!
  • ALL EXCUSAL REQUESTS must have appropriate supporting documentation:  If requesting excusal as a non-resident, please provide proof of residency in the form of a copy of your driver’s license or voter registration for your current physical address…  If requesting excusal for medical reasons, please provide a doctor’s letter –currently dated, signed and on healthcare-provider letterhead– or a completed Request for Medical Excuse Form, etc.  For medical excusal, your doctor must indicate: 1) how your condition prevents service and 2) a prognosis, i.e. when you could serve.
  • Postponements may be available:  Think in terms of two, four or six months maximum from your starting date.  If granted postponement, when you receive your new summons you will need to again respond by updating your Qualification submission and will be expected to serve at that time.
  • Please do NOT wait until your group is scheduled to appear to request needed time off; please communicate with our office in advancein writing, to request “excusal dates” during your jury service term:  Please include your name, Juror ID#, generally for what you need the time off (like for a doctor’s appointment or work conflict) and the exact dates. All our contact information is at bottom of this webpage and, of course, on your Summons. Thank you!
  • Late Arrivals are considered a Failure to Appear:  If ordered to appear for jury selection, please be on time.
  • Please note: a Jury Trial, for which you may be selected, may be held after the end of your jury service term. (The Judge, at every selection, will announce the anticipated trial dates…)